We organized a school assembly to sumarize the first year of Comenius programme in our school. Our students could see the films which were prepared after first and second term of the project. They also saw Reksio's blogs from his visits in Italy, Hungary and Croatia. They were really interested in watching it. Some of them could see themselves while doing Comenius activites.
Czytaj więcej: School assembly after 1st year of the project
During the second term of our Comenius project our pupils made reconstruction of governmental forum. They talked about important, for our country, issues: organization of Winter Olympic in Cracow in 2022 and the reduction of carbon emission. In the first part of the recording pupils use English the second part is in Polish. Our students enjoyed being part of this reconstruction, special thanks to Bartek who played the part of prime minister:)
In order to see the film please click HERE
Here you can see description of our travel mascot Reksio stay in Italy.
New adventures soon:)
To see the film please click HERE
This is the part of Comenius Partnership Cook Book from Poland. We prepared 5 recipes for well - known dishes in our country: one for a soup, two for main courses ( a recipe for vegetarian dish and dish with meat), a salad and a cake. We hope you like them:)
To download the file please click HERE
One of the activites in our Comenius project was to create posters which illustrate United Nations Rights of the Child. This task was appointed to classes from 4 to 6.
Each class received one right, which they should ilustrate, in group of two, on the posters. Pupils had great ideas about the techniques and contents of their works. The best ones were displayed on the school corridor.
It was a good opportunity for our pupils to discuss their rights during the breaks with their peers. Many of them gathered near the posters and exchanged opinions.
In June pupils form class 6C prepared school assembly, which was dedicated to the Convetnion on the United Nations Rights of the Child. They talked about the importance of the convetion, the discrimination and problems of many children in some countries.
Czytaj więcej: United Nations Rights of the Child -posters and students' asembly